Adios Europe!

We made our way to the airport via walking vs the hotel shuttle because why would we bother with door to door service when we could walk?

We crossed a street to try to head to terminal 2 only to see it was back the other way. So back across the street we went.

I had to grab a pic of these two black cabs as we won’t be seeing anything this cute for a while.

I think we must be late. There was absolutely no line at the United desk and as we were checking our bag they were cleaning up the rope area behind us.

The security was tight here. Many officers with automatic rifles. Also the security process was tighter than any of the other airports we went through on this trip. They were so particular about what you took out from your bag and where it went. So crazy.

Last selfie before we get this 18 hour day started!

We will take a 7 hour flight to Newark followed by a long layover. Our flight to Cincy leaves at 3:45. From there we will rent a car to hopefully make it home around 8pm.

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