
After sleeping in a bit and making a quick trip to Starbucks we headed out for the day. Our destination was Inverness and Loch Ness. Greg thought the kids would want to learn about Loch Ness.

I was the driver for the day so Greg started looking to see if there were any sights we should stop and see on our way.

We were going to be near one of the Top Sights to see in Scotland. I think it was #13. Port Gordon was our destination. When I asked Greg what there was to see there he kept saying he didn’t know what it was. Oh, this should be great. I can hardly wait.

We have arrived. Is this what we were supposed to see Greg??

We walked out toward the water a bit and were amazed at what we saw. Seals everywhere.

These are Atlantic Gray Seals and there is a huge population of them. They wouldn’t let us get too close to them. Not that we really tried but as we walked in their direction they started moving as if they were going to go into the sea.

We didn’t want to disrupt them so we walked the other direction and had a rock skipping competition. (Greg won.)

He found a white rock that he had to have Maddie pose with. He’s going to take it home to have next to his black rocks from Diamond Beach in Iceland.

The seals were so intrigued by us. The ones in the water would swim along the same direction that we walked and would keep their eyes on us. They would get close but not super close. It was seriously so cool. Greg made a good call with that stop! I also found lots of small pieces of sea glass….one of my favorite things!

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